متن العشماوية بدون نت

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The Al-Ashmawiya board without the net in Al-Maliki’s jurisprudence and Al-Tatiq works without the Internet completely. All materials and audio have been previously downloaded to the application in order to work with you at all times and everywhere.The application contains two parts:section One.The text of the Ashmawiya is written in full and divided into parts for easy accessThe second section.Al-Ashmawiyyah audio board with clear voice mp3 In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This is the text of Al-Ashmawiya in the Maliki jurisprudence of the scholarly imam, the scholar Abd Al-Bari Ibn Ahmad Al-Ashmawi, one of the scholars of the tenth century. The scholar and scholar Sheikh Abd al-Bari al-Ashmawi al-Rifai, may God have mercy on him, said: Some friends asked me to make an introduction to jurisprudence on the Imam’s school of thought. What do you have Ibn Anas, may God be pleased with him? I replied to it, hoping for reward. The door of ablution nullifiers. You know, may God Almighty grant you success, that we nullify my ablution into two categories: events and causes for events. As for the five events, three are from the anus, which are madhiy, wadiy, and urine, and two from the anus, namely defecation and wind. As for the causes of events, sleep, which is in four sections, long and heavy, breaks ablution. Heavy short breaks ablution. Light short does not invalidate ablution. Long, light, it is desirable to perform ablution. One of the reasons that invalidate ablution is the demise of the mind through madness, enrichment and drunkenness. Wudu is invalidated by apostasy, doubt about youth, and touching the penis attached to the palm of the hand, the soles of the fingers, or both sides, even with an extra finger. And by touch, it is divided into four sections. If he finds pleasure and finds it, then he must do it, and if he finds it and does not intend it, then he must perform ablution. If he intended and did not find it, he must perform ablution. If he did not intend pleasure and did not find it, then there is no ablution for him. It does not invalidate ablution by touching the anus or two females. Nor with the soul of a small individual, nor by eating carrot meat, nor by cupping, nor by intention, nor by clattering during prayer, nor by a woman touching her vagina. Sections of water from which ablution is permissible